Genbot Tip

If you have Slack authority – skip this part & start from “Activate Genbots on Slack”

(Optional) Create a New Slack Workspace

The below example is if you’re creating a new workspace in the Slack Application, you can also do the same on

After Clicking “Create New Workspace” enter the same work e-mail.

You’ll be prompted to enter a 6-digit code that has been sent to your e-mail.

Follow The Slack Instructions – Choose if you want others with the same domain email to join this workspace Set your Team Name then Click “Next”

Enter your name as you would when first joining Slack Click “Next”

Optional: Add all team members that you would like to join this new Workspace. Click “Next”

Following Slack’s instructions enter a name for your channel.

Click “Start WIth Free”

Welcome to your new Workspace to add Genbots!