Tools Overview
How Do Genbots Use Tools?
Genbots use tools to expand their abilities beyond plain conversations, enabling detailed and useful workflows, such as accessing databases, managing files, interacting with external systems, and automating various processes.
Tool Objectives
Tools allow genbots to automate repetitive tasks, whether it is managing workflows, scheduling tasks, or executing processes.
Integrate Systems
Tools connect genbots to external systems like databases, Git repositories, cloud platforms, or communication networks (e.g., Slack and Teams), enabling seamless interactions between those systems.
Database Interaction
Some tools allow querying databases or harvesting metadata in structured formats, assisting in reporting, analytics, or operational activities.
Operational Control
Tools manage scheduling, task delegation, and testing, providing control over processes.
Technical Management
Tools ensure bots can manage technical aspects such as file repositories, generating diffs, semantic models, and smoothing development workflows via integration functionalities.
Available Tools For The Genbots
Tool Name | Description | |
artifact_manager_tools | Manages digital artifacts such as reports, logs, and deliverables by enabling upload, updates, retrieval, and deletion to maintain organized files and evidence for workflows. | |
delegate_work | Enables delegating tasks to specific genbots for execution. Excellent for creating a swarm of genbots to divide workloads and assigning responsibilities to tackle the same objective. | |
data_connector_tools | Provides database connection management and SQL execution tools for various database ecosystems. Includes functionality for adding, listing, deleting databases, and running queries. | |
google_drive_tools | Enables interaction with Google Drive by listing, downloading, or managing files and editing spreadsheets. Integrates with workflows for cloud collaboration. | |
git_action | Allows interaction with Git repositories by providing functionality for commits, file management, diffs, and branch operations. | |
harvester_tools | Manages metadata harvesting by adding databases, controlling schema inclusions/exclusions, and viewing status. Ensures up-to-date metadata for seamless data access. | |
image_tools | Tools for interpreting, analyzing, and generating visual images. Useful for OCR, object detection, and creative content generation workflows. | |
jira_connector_tools | Connects and interacts with Jira systems, enabling ticket creation, updates, assignments, and data retrieval for agile development workflows. | |
make_baby_bot | Creates, configures, and administers genbots programmatically using natural language. | |
metadata_search_tools | Searches schemas, tables, and columns across connected databases to discover and retrieve metadata. | |
notebook_manager_tools | Notes in Genbots act as modular building blocks for workflows. They encapsulate tasks such as querying databases, performing data transformations, or running advanced analytics, making processes reusable, maintainable, and scalable. | |
process_manager_tools | Allows users to automate workflows by managing recurring schedules, editing configurations on the fly, or triggering processes programmatically. | |
process_runner_tools | Executes pre-defined, step-by-step workflows or tasks as part of automation. Useful for well-structured operational workflows. | |
process_scheduler_tools | Allows bots to set recurring schedules (e.g., CRON-like triggering) for automatically running processes in defined intervals or times. | |
project_manager_tools | Handles creating, updating, and tracking projects and to-dos, supporting efficient workflow organization. Essential for team collaboration and task management. | |
send_email_tools | Automates email sending with support for plain-text, HTML formatting, and Genesis branding. Useful for notifications and report distribution. | |
slack_tools | Enables bots to search for users in Slack by name and send direct messages. Suitable for automated notifications, task updates, or team communication. | |
snowflake_tools | Provides tools for managing Snowflake connections, running SQL or Snowpark Python queries, exploring metadata, and interacting with Snowflake stages for file management. | |
web_access_tools | Allows bots to interact with websites via scraping or keyword-based Google searches to retrieve useful content for integration into workflows. |