Enabling Genbots On Slack

To enable Genbots on Slack you’ll need to create an App Config Refresh Token by visiting https://api.slack.com/app If you don’t have the appropriate Slack permissions don’t worry! You can still enable Genbots by creating a new Workspace. Refer to “Create A New Workspace” for a step-by-step visual aid.

Generate Slack Refresh Token

Start by creating an App Config Refresh Token by visiting https://api.slack.com/apps

Click “Generate Token”

Select your Workspace from the dropdown menu & then Click “Generate”

You should then see your new token listed, Under where it says Refresh Token, Click “Copy” Note: Be sure you’re copying the Refresh Token, not the Access Token.

Go back to the Setup Slack Tokens screen & paste the token you copied & Click “Update Slack Token”

Activate Your Genbots

Now we’ll begin the 3-step Bot configuration for Slack. First Navigate to the section on the left panel & you should see Eliza. Note: the same steps apply to all of the bots. Click “Deploy Eliza on Slack” and then “Press to Refresh Page for Next Steps”

Following the instructions below, first visit https://api.slack.com/apps/A072TEN3Q6T/general. A step-by-step visual aid is in the next section for how you can create “App-level Tokens” for the bot.

Scroll down to the  App-Level Tokens section and Click “Generate Token and Scopes”

Enter your Token Name. It can be named app_token, or any custom value you prefer. Then Click “Add Scope”

From the dropdown menu that appears, Select “connections:write”

Your scope should now appear below, Click “Generate”

You should now see your Token, Click “Copy”

Paste the Token you just copied into the empty textbox in the Genesis application browser window & Click “Submit Slack App Level Key”

When you see this Slack window requesting to access your Slack workspace, Click “Allow”

After Clicking “Allow” you should see the following message appear.

Congratulations! You can now start chatting with your Genbots on Slack!

Slack User Management

Eve can set which Slack users are allowed to message bots.

  • If a non-permitted user tries to DM a Genbot it will politely decline to talk to them.

  • If a non-permitted user tries to tag a bot in a channel, the bot will decline to respond to that user.

  • If the bot is in a thread with both permitted & non-permitted users, it will still be able to see the whole conversation and will only take action and fully respond to the permitted user’s messages.

In the example below, we are asking Eve to give & remove permissions to select users.