
Tool Name



The git_action tool provides version control capabilities for files within Git repositories. It enables seamless file management, collaboration, and tracking of changes through Git workflows. This tool integrates essential Git functionalities for file operations, branch management, commit history, and more.

Functions Available

git_action: Manages Git repository actions such as file operations (read, write), diff generation, branch management, commit history retrieval, and status checks.

Key Features & Functions

File Operations & Diffs

Facilitates reading, writing, generating diffs, and applying changes to files in Git.

Commit & Branch Management

Supports collaborative workflows via commits, branch creation, and switching.

History & Status Tracking

Retrieves commit logs and file statuses for auditing and debugging.

Input Parameters for Each Function



actionSpecifies the Git action (required). Supported values include:
- list_files
- read_file
- write_file
- generate_diff
- apply_diff
- commit
- get_history
- create_branch
- switch_branch
- get_branch
- get_status
String (required)
file_path(Required for read/write/delete-type actions) Path to the file within the Git repository.String
content(Required for write_file) The content to write into the file.String
commit_message(Required for commit) Descriptive message summarizing the file changes.String
old_content(Required for generate_diff) Original file content for comparison.String
new_content(Required for generate_diff) Updated file content for comparison.String
diff_content(Required for apply_diff) The diff to apply to a file, optionally committed after.String
branch_name(Required for create_branch and switch_branch) The branch name to create or switch to.String
max_count(Optional) Limits the number of history entries returned by get_history.Integer

Genbot Tip Provide clear and descriptive commit_message values to maintain a coherent commit history for future reference.

Use Cases

  1. File Management

    • Use write_file to update configuration files or documentation in a Git repository.

    • Example: Modifying a Snowflake config file, then committing with a descriptive message.

  2. Diff Generation for Code Reviews

    • Use generate_diff to compare changes between two content versions prior to deployment or review.

    • Example: Displaying script differences to a reviewer before merging.

  3. Branch Management

    • Create a new branch (create_branch) or switch branches (switch_branch) to isolate development efforts.

    • Example: Making a branch feature/optimize-query for a new query optimization feature.

  4. Logs and Auditing

    • Retrieve commit history via get_history or file statuses with get_status for debugging.

    • Example: Reviewing changes to a dataset ingestion script to understand modifications over time.

  5. Collaborative Workflows

    • Write, commit, and push changes for team-based version control in code or data repositories.

    • Example: Maintaining an evolving dataset dictionary collaboratively using Git.

IMPORTANT: Merge conflicts can occur if multiple collaborators modify the same file. Ensure you resolve conflicts manually or via Git merges before committing final changes.

Workflow/How It Works

  1. Step 1: List Files in Repository

    • Invoke list_files to see all tracked files or specify a subpath for filtered results.
  2. Step 2: Create or Modify Files

    • Use write_file to add or update file contents; commit these changes with a clear commit_message.
  3. Step 3: Generate Diffs for Review

    • Compare old_content and new_content with generate_diff. If approved, apply changes with apply_diff.
  4. Step 4: Manage Branch Flow

    • Create new branches (create_branch) or switch branches (switch_branch) to isolate or integrate changes.
  5. Step 5: Retrieve Logs & Status

    • Access commit logs (get_history) or check current file statuses (get_status) for pending changes.

NOTE: Keep branch-naming conventions consistent, such as feature/, bugfix/, or hotfix/ to streamline repository organization.

Integration Relevance

  • Project Asset Tracking: Works with manage_project_assets to store and retrieve Git-based assets in project workflows.

  • Testing Automation: Combine with manage_tests_tools to store and version test files.

  • ETL & Workflow Management: Collaborates with process_manager_tools for configuration files and scripts under Git control.

Configuration Details

  • Ensure repository credentials and permissions are properly set to read, write, or modify files.

  • Use meaningful commit messages and branch names to maintain clarity in repository history.

  • Keep file_path references consistent with repository structure to avoid confusion or file path errors.

Limitations or Notes

  1. Large Repositories

    • Listing or retrieving histories in large repos might be slow—provide specific paths or use max_count to limit entries.
  2. Merge Conflicts

    • Conflicts during apply_diff or write_file must be resolved manually or through Git merge strategies.
  3. Sensitive Content

    • Avoid committing private credentials or data. Always follow best practices for secure storage of sensitive information.


  • File Operations

    • Confirmation messages for reads, writes, or diffs—plus any diff output or file statuses.
  • Branch & Commit Management

    • Success or error messages after creating or switching branches, or committing changes.
  • Logs & Status

    • Detailed commit history or repository status indicating tracked, modified, or untracked files.

How It Works

The tool interacts with the Git repository to perform file-based operations such as editing, versioning, and history tracking. It ensures changes are documented, applied, and tracked across branches effectively.


This tool is used for locally managed repositories, external sync or hosting must be handled separately.

Example on GenesisAPI

In this example, we started by asking the Genbot to create two feature engineering scripts: ERA_calc.py for ERA calculations and runs_per_season.py for total runs, committing both to branches ERA_modeling and Runs_modeling. On ERA_modeling, the Genbot then refines the ERA logic to handle edge cases like insufficient innings pitched (<10). Each refinement was implemented using diffs, validated, and committed with clear messages to ensure traceability.

User: 1. Create Mock Python Feature Files:
   - ERA_calc.py: A script to calculate ERA across seasons, including edge-case handling.
   - runs_per_season.py: A script to compute total runs per team per season.
2. Demonstrate Git Workflows:
   - Use git_file_manager_tools commands to simulate:
     - Repository commits of these files.
     - Branch creation (ERA_modeling, Runs_modeling).
     - Applying diffs and committing updates.
   - Showcase detailed commit logs and versioning.
3. Integrate with the Baseball Dataset:
   - Add in mock data-related examples (Boston team performance) to simulate the **edge cases** highlighted earlier (e.g., ERA spike in 2014).

We’ll start by creating the actual feature scripts and mock Git workflows. Let me prepare the code and Git commands for you… 💻
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
The mock Python feature files have been successfully created and committed to the repository! Here’s a summary of what’s been achieved so far:
### Created Feature Scripts:
1. ERA_calc.py (ERA Trend Analysis):
   - Computes ERA for given input data while handling edge cases, like divisions by zero.
   - Mock example handles Boston’s ERA spike in 2014.
   ### Key Code Snippet:
   def calculate_era(earned_runs, innings_pitched):
       if innings_pitched == 0:
           return float('inf')  # Infinite ERA for no innings pitched
       return (earned_runs / innings_pitched) * 9
   Mock test case added:
   - Input: earned_runs=500, innings_pitched=900
   - Expected Output: ERA = 5.00
2. runs_per_season.py (Season Aggregate Runs):
   - Aggregates game scores to calculate the total runs for a given season.
   - Mock example simulates Boston’s 2011 performance.
   ### Key Code Snippet:
   def calculate_total_runs(game_scores):
       return sum(game_scores)
   Mock test case added:
   - Input: [5, 8, 7, 10, 4] (Boston's game results)
   - Expected Output: Total Runs = 34
### Next Steps:
1. Git Workflows:
   - Create separate branches for ERA and Runs modeling workflows.
   - Apply code diffs for refinement.
2. Show Logs & History:
   - Retrieve commit logs and demonstrate traceability.
3. Final Outputs:
   - Run workflows to showcase file changes, diffs, and mock analytics results.
Let me continue setting this up with your **Git operations** for impressive results! 🚀
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
The Git operations are proceeding successfully! Here’s the progress so far:
### Steps Achieved:
1. Branch Creation:
   - ERA_modeling: Created and checked out successfully.
   - Runs_modeling: Created and checked out successfully.
   Branch Setup Completed:
   - Isolated branches for independent workflow experimentation for ERA and Runs modeling.
2. Commit History Retrieved:
   - Latest commit for ERA_calc.py:
     - Commit Hash: 3416061d1342bba67f86023f1f6dafc1f441eeee
     - Message: Added basic ERA calculation method for feature engineering.
     - Author: Bot
     - Commit Date: 2025-01-02 

- Files Affected: feature_engineering/ERA_calc.py
   Demonstrates Traceability:
   - Shows exactly when and why changes were made for transparency.
### Next Steps:
1. Switch to ERA_modeling Branch:
   - Add a diff refinement for ERA calculation (e.g., robustness handling for more edge cases).
2. Implement Similar Steps for Runs_modeling:
   - Showcase aggregation and results updates.
3. Full Walkthrough of Outputs:
   - Simulate analytics results and merge the workflows back into the main repository.
Let’s refine the DIFFS and continue! 🚀
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
🧰 Using tool: GitAction...
The refinement of the ERA calculation script has been successfully applied and committed on the ERA_modeling branch! Here's an overview of the update:
### Key Changes Made:
1. Edge-Case Handling for Low Innings Pitched:
   - New logic marks innings less than 10 as "insufficient data points" (returns -1).
   - Helps in scenarios where minimal data could mislead ERA trends.
Updated Snippet:
def calculate_era(earned_runs, innings_pitched):
    # Edge-case handling for innings pitched being too low (less than 10 innings)
    if innings_pitched == 0:
        return float('inf')  # Infinite ERA for no innings pitched
    elif innings_pitched < 10:
        return -1  # Mark as insufficient data points

    return (earned_runs / innings_pitched) * 9
2. Diff Summary:
   --- old
   +++ new
   +    elif innings_pitched < 10:
   +        return -1  # Mark as insufficient data points
       return (earned_runs / innings_pitched) * 9
3. Commit Message:
   Refined ERA calculation to handle cases with insufficient innings pitched.
### Next Steps:
1. Review and refine Runs_modeling branch with a similar approach.
2. Integrate outputs from both branches back into the main workflow.
3. Generate complete documentation and illustrative results tied to this process.
Let me know if you'd like me to branch into the Runs_modeling tasks now! 🚀

Example on Slack

In this example, while on Runs_modeling, the Genbot added functionality to calculate average runs per game and handle incomplete data.