NOTE: Genesis can also be deployed natively on Snowflake as a native application if you are the administrator of your Snowflake account.   Refer here for more details.

  • If you are running as a native application, you do not need to use the section below to connect to Snowflake, as you’ll already have a connection. 

  • Instead you’ll grant data access to your native application. Refer here for more details.

The below instructions are for connecting to Snowflake if you have installed Genesis using “pip install.” 

Connect to Snowflake Using a Username and Password

If you have a username and password for your Snowflake account, you can try connecting with those credentials.  If you do not have a password, or can only log in via SSO or MFA (which is increasingly common), instead see the section below called “Configure JWT access to Snowflake.”

You will need to know your account URL and account locator.  To get this, in the Snowflake GUI click on your initials in the bottom left corner, select “Account,” select your account, and press the “Copy Account URL” button, and make note of your account locator.

Click the "Copy Account URL" and make note of your account locator

Ask Eve to connect to Snowflake using a username and password

Copy the prompt below to follow along

Eve, add a connection to Snowflake called my_snowflake, my account url is MY_SNOWFLAKE_URL, my account is MY_ACCOUNT_ID, my user is MY_USER_NAME, and my password is MY_PASSWORD. Allow all bots to have access.

Reference Example:

Eve, add a connection to Snowflake called my_snowflake, my account url is, my account is sqb52188, my user is test_user, and my password is test_password. Allow all bots to have access.

Eve will indicate the connection was successful, or any issues she encounters.  It’s ok if it takes her a few attempts to make the connection string correctly, she may need to add account or database parameters.

Eve adding a database connection to Snowflake

Now that your connection is made, you can test it.

Copy the prompt below to follow along

Eve, run on Snowflake, select the current time and current account"

Eve running a query on Snowflake

Once you’re connected, see below to add your Snowflake Databases to the Harvest.

NOTE: Some Snowflake accounts do not allow simply connecting with a username and password, the current best practice is to use the private key approach.

You can skip this step if you have connected with a username and password.

Otherwise, follow these steps to set up a private key-based connection.

Configure Keypair Access to Snowflake


Setup Key Pair Authentication

Run the following on your local system to create the private key.

You can update the location of the key based on preference.

openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 des3 -inform PEM -out ~/Documents/keys/rsa_key.p8 -nocrypt

Create The Public Key

Run the following to create the public key.

If the private key was encrypted, enter the same passphrase used.

openssl rsa -in ~/Documents/keys/rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out ~/Documents/keys/

Store The Public Key With The User

In a Snowflake worksheet, alter the user to which the key will be applied to store the public key with the user.

  • Run this on both the accounts listed above (logged in as yourself, using SSO)

  • Replace <username> with your Snowflake username

  • Rsa_public_key is the content of the public key file ( generated in the previous step

alter user <username> set rsa_public_key = 'exampleKey0RealKeyismuchLONGERandmulTIPLElines';

Testing The Public Key

In order to test that the public key was assigned correctly to the Snowflake user, run the following in Snowflake:

DESC USER <username>;
  WHERE "property" = 'RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_FP'), 'SHA256:');

Compare the output from the above statement with output from the command below:

openssl rsa -pubin -in ~/Documents/keys/ -outform DER | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64

[Optional] Testing Your Connection

Follow the steps in the Test Key Pair Authentication if you would like to test that the Snowflake JWT connection is working properly.

Get Your Account Identifier

In Snowflake’s GUI, hover over your initials in the bottom right corner of the screen, select your account, and copy the account identifier.

Click the "Copy Account Identifier"

It will look like


Next, replace any dots and underscores with dashes and make them lowercase.

Reference Example:

DSHRNXX.GENESIS_DEV_CONSUMER -> dshrnx-genesis-dev-consumer

This will be your “account identifier” 

Also determine your username, which may be either the result of SELECT CURRENT_USER(), or your email address, if you log in via SSO.

Add a JWT-based Connection to Snowflake to Genesis

Tell Eve you want to connect to Snowflake and provide your account identifier (as determined above), username, and path to your private key file

Eve, add a connection to Snowflake called “my_snowflake”, use private key and external browser authentication, the account is <your account identifier>, my user name is <your snowflake user id or your sso email address> and my private key is in this file: <path to your private key file>.  Allow all bots to access.

Reference Example:

Eve, add a connection to Snowflake called “my_snowflake”, use private key and external browser authentication, the account is dshrnxx-genesis-dev-consumer, my user name is and my private key is in this file: ~/Documents/keys/rsa_key.p8.  Allow all bots to access.

Eve adding a connection to Snowflake using private key and external browser authentication

You can then check the Database Connections screen in Genesis GUI to see the new connection.

my_snowflake and other databases connected appear here

Adding Snowflake Databases to the Harvest

You can add any databases you’d like to the harvest.

NOTE: Generally, you’ll want to exclude the INFORMATION_SCHEMA from the harvest unless you’re specifically looking to analyze detailed schema and usage information.

Copy the prompt below to follow along

Eve, add database SPIDER_DATA to the harvestm Exclude the INFORMATION_SCHEMA

Eve adding the SPIDER_DATA database to the harvest

After a few minutes, you can see results of the harvest on the Config / Harvester Summary page in the Genesis GUI.

Harvester Status is where you can see all of the data sources being harvested

Chat with Genesis Bots via Genesis API

Once connectivity to the Snowflake account has been established, run the following command to begin chatting with Genesis Bots from the command line.


python -m apps.demos.cli_chat --server_url "snowflake://<LOGIN>@<ORGANIZATION_ID>-<ACCOUNT_LOCATOR>" --snowflake_conn_args "authenticator=SNOWFLAKE_JWT,role=<ROLE_NAME>,private_key_file=<PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY>/rsa_key.p8"


NOTE: Replace username, org-account, role, and private_key_file params as applicable.

python -m apps.demos.cli_chat --server_url "snowflake://" --snowflake_conn_args "authenticator=SNOWFLAKE_JWT,role=accountadmin,private_key_file=/Users/mrainey/Documents/keys/rsa_key.p8"

Example chat:

Welcome to the Genesis chat interface. Type '/quit' to exit.
Start your first message with @<bot_id> to chat with that bot. Use it again to switch bots.
[You]: @Eve hi
[Eve]:  Hello! 😊 How can I assist you today?
[You->Eve]: /quit
Exiting chat. Goodbye!