To add a connection to SQLite, provide to Eve the following:


Connection Type


Connection Name


Path To The SQLite Database File


Permission For All Bots To Access

NOTE: SQLite drivers are installed with Genesis, no other installation is required.

For example, this “cinema” demo file is included with Genesis

Copy the prompt below to follow along

Eve, please add database connection to sqlite called sqlite_cinema, my file is at ./apps/demos/demo_data/cinema.sqlite, and allow all bots to access it.

Eve will then add the connection

Clicking “Database Connections” in the Genesis GUI will show you that it has been added

Click Database Connections

sqlite_cinema and other databases connected appear here

Once the Database has been connected, you can then ask Eve to add it to the harvest, so that you’ll be able to use _search_metadata to find tables in this database.

Copy the prompt below to follow along

Add it to the harvest

Eve adds the database to the harvest

Eve will then add it to the Harvest

After a few minutes, you’ll see it on the Configuration / Harvester Status page.

Harvester Status is where you can see all of the data sources being harvested

You can discuss the objects in that database with Eve once the database connection appears on the Harvester Status page.

Copy the prompt below to follow along

search for data on movies, and tell me how many movies are in our data

Eve begins searching for data on movies, and queries how many movies there are

Removing The Connection

 You also have the option to remove the connection.

NOTE: This will also remove related harvest information

Copy the prompt below to follow along

remove the connection to the cinema data